Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Park and Fall Festival

This past weekend was our Fall Festival at church and Aiden got to try some cool stuff. He first rode the ponies.

Then he played some games.

We tried to take pictures of him in the Pumpkin Patch, but he wasn't cooperating.

We also played at the park a lot this week and here is some video of Aiden going down the sliding.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Staying Busy

This week we've been staying pretty busy. My Mom came in to stay because of Hurricane Ike and having two trees fall on their house. We have enjoyed having her here and she's loved spending time with the boys.
Aiden wanted to take pictures the other day by himself, so we sat the camera on the window ledge and he took pictures of the front flower beds.

Lauren started her new job this week so it was me and the boys and we spent a little time outside in the nice cool weather.

Gavin chillin' in the grass.

Aiden hamming it up in the yard.

Aiden kept running in circles around the yard and this is him coming down the hill in the front yard.

We went to the park one morning to get all the energy out.

Aiden helping push Gavin in the swing.

While Aiden was asleep Gavin figured out how to climb onto the coffee table.

When Aiden woke up he gave it a go too.

I subbed for the first time Thursday so this is Aiden getting ready for his first day of school. He did really well. When I dropped him off he went right into his room and as I checked on him all day he was playing and having fun. He even took a nap!

Our First Day of School picture.
Tomorrow Pop is coming to take Mimi home so we are going to have some fun with him and take lots of pictures. Hopefully we will make it to the stockyards to watch the cattle drive.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rainy Days

Today has been a very rainy day, so we have had to find ways to amuse two little boys with lots of energy.
At the beginning a nice pile of pillows...

after the jump.

We brought the dogs in so they wouldn't be in the rain and Aiden got very protective of Gavin and wouldn't let him go near the dogs. He pushed his walker back as Gavin was trying to get close.

We told Aiden it was okay for Gavin to meet the dogs.

Aunt Lala built a fort out of the pillows to play in.

Aiden thought it was more fun to knock over the pillows instead.

Hopefully we will get back to our nice sunny days soon so the boys can play at the park.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Little Bit of Nothing

This Tuesday Aiden went to Meet the Teacher at his preschool. I am going to be subbing this year, so he will get to go to school with me.

This was the only picture I could get of him at school. When I dropped him off there were several little ones crying and the same when I picked him us. I figured there would be plenty of time this year to take pictures.

Our potty training is going okay. We have days that he does really well and others when he doesn't want to go at all. But his school will keep working with him during the day which will be nice.

Gavin and Aiden having fun in the tub.

Aiden was putting his head underwater, at least one side, while the water was draining out of the tub.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

So Sweet...

Every day before his nap and every night before he goes to sleep I always tell Aiden "I love you". This afternoon before putting him down he told me " I love you" before I even said anything. These are the times I love him being able to talk more and more.
On the potty training front, the first day went really well. He went on the potty three times in the morning, but we didn't have much luck after his nap. Today he only went once, but hopefully tomorrow will be better. Now instead of changing diapers all day, I now sit on the floor of my bathroom for about fifteen minutes every other hour reading Aiden books while I wait for him to go. But I wouldn't change it for the world! I'm not sure what our next milestone is but hopefully we can either be on time or late with it rather than early like everything else.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

18 month check-up (just a little later)

We went for Aiden's 18 month check up today and he had actually lost weight since August, weighing in at 31 lbs and 8 oz and 34 in tall. He is going to continue taking his breathing treatments through the fall as a precaution and we get to start POTTY TRAINING. Before we left on our trip to Colorado Aiden was very interested in going to the bathroom on the big potty, so I bought a little potty. He used the little potty several times before we left, but I didn't push it while we were gone. The doctor said to go ahead and start taking him every two hours to start the process. I would have liked to wait a little longer and not have him grow up so fast, but he has a mind of his own and like everything else he wants to do it early. (I'll post training pictures later,) Other than that he's healthy and happy and there's not much more I can ask for.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

On the Plane

Aiden did great on the plane ride home. He started fussing when we got on the plane, but by the time we were up in the air he was asleep and slept for about an hour. Travis thought it would be funny to take a picture of him with our empty Skyy bottle. Hopefully we will have goodluck flying when we go to Florida for Christmas, otherwise the other first class passengers might kick us off the plane.